Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Making a Distinction Between the Personal and the Professional

There comes a time in a graduate student's life when he or she realizes that there may come a point in time when a prospective employer might do a Google search to learn whether that student would make a good addition to a school's faculty.

If that student is named Christian Lindke, then in all likelihood that search will bring up several results that demonstrate a great love of popular culture and various hobbies. This is all well and good, anyone I would hope to work with should at minimum be able to tolerate my bizarre tendency to wax poetic about Candy Land, but they should also have the opportunity to meet me as an academic.

To that end, I have followed the lead of a couple of academics I admire and created a blog entirely dedicated to my chosen profession, the study of Politics. Over the next few years, and it will be years, I will be sharing my thoughts on articles that I am reading, research questions I am interested in pursuing, and current political issues. I'll still be blogging at my personal sites, but here at The Gathering I'll be keeping it related to my academic and professional life. If all things work out, I'll be joined by some of my peers at the program at UC Riverside. We've got a good group of future professors here, and I'd like you to meet us.

After all, why name a site "The Gathering" if it only has one author?